Friday, September 24, 2010

Non-Kit Cards

So I have been trying my hand at making my own cards for birthdays and other occasions and thought I would share some of my favorites.

Here are some birthday cards I made for some of Hanna's friends:


  1. Love these! Thanks for posting them. Again, it was fun to see them in person. I think my favorite is the top one with the little border piece that matches the bigger edge border strip. So cute!

  2. Rachel these cards are wonderful! I am inspired to make a toddler birthday card of my own.

    I am looking forward to cropnight when you get back. Let's make a plan!

  3. Boo to the thought of you two going without me, Yay to the fun you will have - that store is AMAZING! I wish I had taken photos of the layouts hanging on the walls and above the displays. They were so inspiring.
