Friday, January 8, 2010

Thank You!

Thank you to both of you for participating (nay, embracing) this crazy idea of mine. I can't believe what we've created. Everything is so unique and wonderful. And I love how both of you have inspired me to go beyond my normal boundaries. I can't wait for next month's results.

As long as we're all interested, I'd be happy to finish out the year. If you want to add a kit, T, that'd be great, just let me know if you want a particular month Aug - Dec. If not, I have no problem finishing them up since I was going to anyway.


  1. I already put together a kit that could work for July (it has a vintage travel theme).

  2. I can't wait to see it! July has been reserved. Only Aug - Dec remain. Not too bad. Very manageable.

  3. I am excited to see the July kit too. :-)
    I love the vintage travel theme. *LOVE IT!*

    If you would like me to do a kit, I'm in.
    I was also thinking, because of time restraints, of how we can incorporate some of those other challenges Marieke was talking about (there was a long list, some of those I remember are the photo inspiration, sketch layout, color theme, exchange photos, layout-relay, etc.). I think we should rotate the challenge types. Maybe for later this year or 2011?
    Alternatively, if it was a small challenge (i.e. with one product), we could try to intermingle that with existing kits. However, I am worried about time availability.

    This is just food for thought. I hope your January is going well!

  4. I like the idea of rotating the challenges. I don't think I could do them all, even without a job or child, so I have no hope or crazy ideas of implementing them all. I wonder sometimes about the women who have these blogs where they post things everyday. I have decided they're probably all on meth.

    We could each pick a challenge we like and "host" it four times a year, so that we rotate each month. So if T picked the photo one, I chose the color theme one and Rach picked the photo exchange one, it would look something like this:

    February: T picks a photo to inspire us
    March: I choose 3 colors to inspire us
    April: Rach decides how the photo exchange works and we send our photos to the person picked to do ours
    May: T picks a photo to inspire us
    June: I choose 3 colors

    Or we could each take months and host different challenges. So let's say I took April, July, and October, then those months I would pick which type of challenge I wanted to "host". Maybe April would be a color challenge, July would be a scraplift challenge and October would be an item to use I'd send both of you and use myself.

    Just some ideas of how it could work. Any other suggestions?

  5. As for the kit, T, it's completely up to you.

    If it's something you want to do and are interested in trying, I don't want to take away that opportunity since it's fun to be in control and design a kit. It's also challenging and can be frustrating if things don't go how you expect. I found the reward well worth the effort, but if it's something you're not all that interested in, then by all means, please say so because I already have papers and other basics picked out to cover the remaining months and I do like putting them together. I was going to do all 12 months for Christmas, anyway, but just ran out of time since I was also designing all the guidelines, forms and blog. It was quite a project. (I have a history of having grand plans and underestimating the time it'll take to finish them.) So though I haven't touched them in the two weeks since we've been home, they're just sitting there, stacked in my to-do shelf, waiting to be completed. If you want to take on a kit and try it, then it's no problem to re-shelve the papers. I'm not married to anything I've chosen. I don't feel any particular attachment to any of it, so it really is no problem to put my least favorite one away if you want to give it a whirl. I just don't want you to feel obligated to do one because it doesn't make a difference to me either way. I am Switzerland on the topic. I am neutral. If you want to hold off until next year to try it, that sounds great. If you never want to do one, that also sounds great. What I don't want is for you to feel obligated to put one together because I've put together six. (Or soon to be 11.) Because the truth of the matter is that I like doing them and I have a ton of scrapbooking stuff. More than I could ever use in the next decade or two. So it doesn't make a difference to me, honestly.

    (continued below)

  6. I was just offering you guys the chance to be in charge so that you aren't constantly forced to work with materials only I have chosen. I wanted to give you guys the chance to be in control, too. But if you don't care about working with materials I've chosen and you're not interested in putting together a kit, please don't take it on. I am more than happy to finish them out.

    You should ask Rach about what it's like to put together a kit if you need some more input before deciding. She could probably be more objective about the whole thing. I really enjoyed it, frustrations and all. I know there was a point where she was about to rip her hair out trying to get colors to match.

  7. First of all, that meth joke made me laugh out loud. Thank you for that.

    I think putting a kit together is a lot of fun, though it was a lot more difficult than I expected. I think my biggest fear though is that you guys will get them and think, "Okay, what am I supposed to do with this?" or worse: "None of this goes together!".

    I like the idea of rotating the challenges as Marieke suggested. Though I was thinking the challenges would be separate from the kits. For instance, for the photo exchange, I think it would be fun not to be limited to certain materials or tools, since we're not all working from the same starting point.

  8. I love the idea of rotating challenges. I'd even still like to keep the current challenge as an option too. Of course, each different challenge type would have it's own rules. Part of the fun of some of them is to "go to town" and use whatever we want in the way of materials or tools. The limitations/restrictions of each challenge are different. In our current kit situation - it's materials and tools. With others it may be color restrictions, inspiration, type of product (e.g. sketch layout), etc.

    I think we have a while to figure this out. I mean, the rest of the year is already planned out (in theory). As for me making the kit... I haven't decided. I am definitely interested. However, if I'm totally honest with myself... do I have the time to do it? Right now, the answer is a flat out no. However, I could have it in a month or two. So, for now I'll just say - we'll see. Is that OK?

    Have a great day! I'm off to the grind.

  9. Yes, I definitely agree with the "go to town" philosophy. One restriction is enough. I like the tool restriction with the current kits challenge because we are all starting from the same place with materials. But if it came to a photo exchange challenge or a color restriction challenge, I would not want to be limited like that - as T said, the restriction for the color challenge is in the limited colors - each challenge has it's own restrictions.

    It's totally okay to wait to decide about the kit. Knowing me, I probably won't get to them for at least a couple of more months. Most likely, I'll be finishing them up and mailing them out the last week of July. Kidding. I swear. (God, I hope that is not how it turns out.)

    Joking aside, I probably won't pick them up again until around April. That gives us a few more months to see how they work out and make any necessary tweaks - like is it too hard to stick to just 2 or 3 colors and a neutral? Should there be more color variety in each month? That kinda thing.

    (cont. below)

  10. Let me know if either of you is up to adding the rotation challenge in the next few months or the latter half of this year. I'd be up for it in a month or two, but could also hold off indefinitely. I currently have a couple of projects in the pipeline and won't have time for another month or so.

    T, you should upload your cards to here. I'd love to see them. I keep meaning to upload your 2010 card. In fact, I think I am going to do that right now. I'll also be uploading the thank you cards I finally got around to making to my blog, so if interested, check em out.

    It's Wednesday, Hump Day, so we're over the work week hump and it's a downhill slide to Friday. Plus, we get a 3 day weekend. Yay!!!! I love me my Spencer-time.

    Happy Wednesday!
